Sunday, 21 October 2012

Elderflower Champagne

no added yeast, non-alcoholic versionElderflower chapagne

A great drink for a hot afternoon on the veranda.

20 elderflower heads

5 lemons

150ml vinegar

1.5kg sugar

20 litres water

Cut most of the stems from the flowers. Shake any bugs, dirt etc.

Squeeze lemons and cut rind into strips.

Add all ingredients to a large container, stir until the sugar is dissolved. Steep for 24hrs, then strain, bottle and seal*. Store in a cool place. Keep at least 3 weeks before drinking.

Make sure the bottles are very clean. You can use champagne or beer bottles both of which have crown seals to fit-There are tool to put the caps on. PET soft drink bottles can also be used. The bottle needs to be strong to hold the fizz.I prefer champagne bottles with a crown seal.

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