Spring happens slowly here and is often unpredictable but the tunnel house continues to supply food for the table . The fruit type vegetables have, as usual been planted in the propagator (2days before the August full moon.) to get a head start before being planted out on the new moon in October.This winter we enjoyed a regular supply of small red and yellow capsicums. I've found they do 2 seasons well in the tunnel a this summer (2nd season) they will produce the most ripe ones from early in the season til the end.I’ll also plant some new ones for the following year to keep up the supply.
The geese are predictable as ever busy sitting and we expect hatching to begin soon.A few of the RIR hens decided to go broody but where not prepared to sit when given a private residence and clutch of eggs . – So the incubator was cranked up and we will have chicks by the end of the month.
The changeable weather means the many spring jobs have to slot in between downpours. Fitting in the willow house pruning was a bit the same with several attempts washed out. The hills basket group came along with a mini scaffold which proved very helpful and the job was completed. This group’s meetings are one of the highlight gathering of each month. A relaxing , i
Deb’s shed
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